Friday, October 17, 2008

Why "Verities & Balderdash?"

Those who know me, know I know a little about a lot, a lot about a little, and have a mind that retains nonsense more effectively than my body maintains carbohydrates. Also, I can sing along with about 90 percent of the Harry Chapin songs. His most popular album was titled the same as my blog and I cheerfully admit to purloining his title! According to Unabridged (v1.1) Verities means:

1. the state or quality of being true; accordance with fact or reality: to question the verity of a statement.
2. something that is true, as a principle, belief, idea, or statement: the eternal verities.

According to quite a number of authority figures in my long life, "Balderdash!" was the one word definition of some of my wilder ideas. Think about the scene in Forrest Gump in which Lt. Dan's ancestors are killed through a series of wars. Just replace the dying ancestors with my grandparents, parents, teachers, pastors, sergeants, commanders, bosses and wife sternly staring at me as a baby, young boy, little older boy, teenager, young college pup, draftee, up to a grown man, with each level saying "Balderdash!"

So, in this blog, you will get to know me through my verities and my balderdashes as they come to mind and I have time to commit them to this forum. Hang on! It could be a wild ride!

Here are some of the subjects we may discuss: Real Estate, because that is my current profession. Gardening, because it is one of my passions (Check out, the daylilies tab at the top right to access pictures of my garden. Peonies, Iris and 200+ varieties of daylilies! ), politics, religion from time to time, places foreign, books and just plain old stories.

I look forward to lots of conversation.

Before I say "Goodby," I want to compensate Harry for the theft of his title by encouraging you to check out Harry's daughter, Jen. She makes some very nice music. Her site is:

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